Friday, March 20, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


verbuel upo
1. parlerooe
2. direkeaps
3. pretend augph control

-pren dren ley parole

4. repondre epon uoq˚˚å
5. demander satyr


keaps reel scent
parler avec accent
thwi wi keep
s'entre tenieer avec
je knee parlay - pas votre langue.
*speak earnestly
parler avec convikshun
does here keaps
quell qoo 'un icci
-qui parle anglais?

keaps sill
medrier ing
speak bate de payt yt
interve niir dans one bat, point de e.p
layckr to speak too
A' qui from - vous parler
keep so loud
parler fart


ctrl something [3]


prendre formay
donner dix

one for may
form muler
concretis ezizer
mettrey 2 point
modi fire

noun unou
1 formey
. sil
-mou ley
apparite ionee
condite ionee
systae may

inpooree fiz six all shape

dansdae move
condite inoees fiz six
oot goot epahs
knee bon condite
you o file and epahs nail.
jeeer vound raise me
fire limmer les ongles
settle into epahs
co mencer apren dretour
bein epahs
give shape to
oot goot
fiz six epahs

Saturday, February 28, 2009

New Bees

Ass over teakettle tip tit for me
Throw that arrow up
up up in my wintry tree
in my hunter-wasp lyceum not for bees

I write as I smash with my metagnathous mouth!
I laugh and I be as one made in the south.

He has a crossbow and three Shakespeare and that
cant be all he wears, there must be a costume switch
while we’re here

in these chairs

There are little people that run the little dime store down town
I bought a dime novel
and a dime bag
some dim sum
and some lychee

with my finger
it’s stored away with bees

my stinger
and beak
don’t break when they seep.

I’m a wasp with chats.
Chats that don’t sleep.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Tampered with painted backyard rock and dead bird

And that wasn’t the birth the first was about wood and collectiveness
And then I agreed
We will push forward
While our decay blooms.

Man they would hate me.

Paper by paper
we smite
down down
nervous flight

Doused sprouts
Peppered rug

Among stones and sand we grunted our way through ouches and ooooos
Brutal hunters spilling blood around gathered wooden slabs crackled by pretty
Dancing flame.

‘Pound O Sword’ [not finished, not working on it]

Two sat atop high mountain, pinked clouds sliding
Across the first light of the peeking morning
Whirling up a breakfast fire, pans warmed
They sent for bloody meats, warm wine, aged long
And watched fawn and doe about tall timber
Before they filled their gut

The sun filled itself
undivided by its abut horizon

Monday, January 26, 2009


Bestrewing mild oaths with utmost honesty
not utter for milk light cheese poor cup
ornate ochre oat
iniquity forced at large
upon honorable vice
values within the aboriginal talls
members toward reach cracked prayer man
who imbrue blue the hammers of sound
determining westward while east broad
footed among the white blue clayed browns ranked and cranked
unreliable and banked sleep
the hymnist’s third choice
bearded with traps net abject blacks
in solemn resonance deep o satyr chorus forests

this is for the boys with disgusting teeth.
i the inflammation, sharded like you. where’s our strength?
those dreams will not stop
But those deep black songs, those cracked round shards
pinkfully foretaste porous picking and documentation of each little fucking hole.
They have pictures for after and rays for before
Once riches strike down o how great to afford
some sawed off white nubs built poised up
shiny and strong bite hard with no dither
no fear of crumbled shards sandy curves, no titter


my max out surpasses a sax out blaring strident candid man did
I just stand there swing toss offcuts fluff toast crust off into a huddle of dark butts
Felt full of the feed that they scramble peck dabble at the foreign sweet oat
Draped coat peak and grope just like my feathered dinner host

ten autographed onto dinner note signed without questions
light wander must bellow the chants of this purple red objection
need not feed on the trader who passes through each not counting his failures
at all ever stationed at the one he wishes to swing from
balance flawlessly long spear carriers!
balance in the center of the circular synth sounds and beast gowns
and feel both sides as if my north and south pierced your structural resonator
Spilling rings among things when your body shakes barbaric
how it is found so foreign chokes and convulse so pathetic
for your speech is a scribbled spirit ball of sorts
which fades and dims just like every light source.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


'New Pound'

Wow these pound O throstle songs
heard while set surround tower greens, make one
thrive for three pence
and a billowing robin
for ones own keepsake

speaking only in grunts
when condescension is brought
among lucent King and Queen
draped in gold purple crimson throne
spotted with horrid thrombus sores
poking holes in equality aloud

You will rank up among monarch, your power
now allowing rant without that vile dither, your power
exceeding the amount of crushed
little bird bones and wasted air sacks
unswelled, no longer flowing upward
or along in a curling mass, no longer
a ballooning cherry bulge.

Save me O Aristocratic grey-sayers
My song giver has died and now
the nature of my democrat is dead beside
the blooded bones and frail crimson clouds of feather
no longer flow upward or along in a curling mass
no longer a ballooning cherry bulge.